Nigerian national, Chekwume Malvin, who works as an actor in the Indian film industry has been arrested for allegedly peddling drugs . The 45-year-old was caught red-handed on Wednesday near the BDA Complex in HRBR Layout by operatives of the Indian Police Service, attached to the K.G. Halli police division . The police seized about 15 grams of MDMA, 250 ml of hashish oil, ₹2,500 (N13, 850) in cash and a mobile phone. The total value of the seized items is estimated to be around ₹8 lakh (N44). Read Also: “Has The Naira Appreciated?” – Reno Omokri Blasts CBN Governor Days After Declaring AbokiFX Owner Wanted Inquiries revealed that Malvin had come to India on a medical visa but then enrolled in the New York Film Academy in Mumbai to learn acting. According to The Hindu, the police said he had completed a six-month course in acting from the same academy in Abuja in Nigeria. After completing the course in Mumbai, Malvin joined the film industry and acted in over 20 Tamil, Malayalam...
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