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Showing posts from March, 2022

Russian Army

The post Russian Army first appeared on Crazy Funny Pictures .[Collection][Collection]

There’s Nothing Like a Good British Insult

Being American, Twitter user Rob Delaney wanted to explore the differences in the English language. He asked his followers to present him with the best British insults that people use and that made a very funny thread… The post There’s Nothing Like a Good British Insult first appeared on Crazy Funny Pictures .[Collection][Collection]

“Military Superpower”

The post “Military Superpower” first appeared on Crazy Funny Pictures .[Collection][Collection]

Twitter Reacts To Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock

People are sure to be talking about the events of the 2022 Oscars for a long time to come. The on-stage clash between Will Smith and Chris Rock has given Twitter users an opportunity to crack some jokes and make funny memes. Check them out! The post Twitter Reacts To Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock first appeared on Crazy Funny Pictures .[Collection][Collection]

Tiny Hands For Cats – Amazing Invention!

It’s common knowledge that if cats had thumbs, human existence would be deemed obsolete by our feline overlords. Just think about it. If they had fully functional hands, they wouldn’t need us to open cans, doors, and scratch that perfect spot behind their ears or on their backs. Why else do us humans exist? The cat wars for global domination might soon begin, because you can actually find human hands for your cat on Amazon . Just look at this total madness…  Has science finally gone too far? Luckily, cats enjoy having humans a servants… and having fully functional hands might seem like too much responsibility. Let us hope that it’s true. If this is something you’d like to waste your hard-earned money on, you can find human hands for your cat on Amazon . The post Tiny Hands For Cats – Amazing Invention! first appeared on Crazy Funny Pictures .[Collection][Collection]